Premier Users (PUs)

Premier Users Requirements

Secondary Markets

In Secondary Markets, Premier Users need to have a trading volume no less than 2% of total market volume or USD 2 million trading value in any given calendar month.

The criteria will be adjusted from time to time accordingly.

Premier Users Incentives

Premier Users Incentives will be paid to any Premier User who meets the criteria for the Secondary Markets in any given calendar month.

Primary Markets

In Primary Markets, Premier Users will receive an incentive of 50% rebate of the fee paid to Term Structure for that calendar month.

Secondary Markets

In Secondary Markets, Premier Users will get an incentive of 25% rebate of the fee paid to Term Structure for that calendar month.

Repo Markets

In Repo Markets, Premier Users will get an incentive of 25% rebate of the fee paid to Term Structure for that calendar month.

All the incentives of any given calendar month will be paid on 5th day of the next calendar month.

Last updated