Architecture and Roles
TSI Structure and Roles
TSI's architecture is designed with security, efficiency, and institutional needs in mind. It comprises three key components:
Fireblocks Embedded Wallet: This provides the foundational security layer. Using Multi-Party Computation (MPC), it ensures that no single party holds the complete private key, preventing unilateral actions and significantly reducing the risk of asset compromise. Key functionalities include:
Checking transaction stage conditions based on pre-set policies, ensuring all transactions adhere to predefined rules.
Requiring multiple signatures (from both the user and Fireblocks) for transaction execution, preventing unauthorized access and internal fraud.
TSI System: This is the core platform that orchestrates all borrowing, lending, matching, and liquidation processes according to pre-set rules. It acts as the central hub for all interactions within the TSI ecosystem, ensuring transparency and efficiency.
Client Web Application: This is the user interface through which borrowers, lenders, and liquidators interact with the TSI system. It provides functionalities for:
Placing borrow and lend orders.
Initiating asset transfers, leveraging the security of the MPC wallets for these actions.
Viewing order status, transaction history, and other relevant information.
Roles and Responsibilities
Borrower/Lender: These users participate in the core borrowing and lending activities on the platform. Their responsibilities include:
Depositing assets from external wallets into their TSI-managed wallets.
Initiating order placement for borrowing or lending.
Initiating transfer requests.
Sign transactions (as part of the MPC signing process).
Liquidator: This specialized role manages the liquidation of collateral. Their responsibilities include:
Accepting the collateral pricing broadcasted by the TSI system.
Executing liquidations of collateral.
Institutional Admin: This role manages institutional users and wallets within their organization. Their responsibilities include:
Inviting and managing users (borrowers, lenders, and liquidators) within their institution.
Managing the wallets associated with their institutional account.
Assigning wallets to specific users.
Initiating requests for whitelisting withdrawal wallets, which require co-signature from TSI Admin.
TSI Admin: This role manages the core platform infrastructure and ensures its smooth operation. Their responsibilities include:
Managing core markets, digital assets, and network parameters.
Co-signing sensitive operations initiated by Institutional Admins, such as whitelisting withdrawal wallets, adding an extra layer of security.
Fireblocks: As the security provider, Fireblocks plays a crucial role in safeguarding assets. Their responsibilities include:
Providing and managing the MPC wallet infrastructure.
Co-signing transactions with users, enforcing pre-set policies, and preventing unilateral actions.
Last updated