Architecture and Roles

TSI Structure and Roles

TSI's architecture is designed with security, efficiency, and institutional needs in mind. It comprises three key components:

  1. Fireblocks Embedded Wallet: This provides the foundational security layer. Using Multi-Party Computation (MPC), it ensures that no single party holds the complete private key, preventing unilateral actions and significantly reducing the risk of asset compromise. Key functionalities include:

    • Checking transaction stage conditions based on pre-set policies, ensuring all transactions adhere to predefined rules.

    • Requiring multiple signatures (from both the user and Fireblocks) for transaction execution, preventing unauthorized access and internal fraud.

  2. TSI System: This is the core platform that orchestrates all borrowing, lending, matching, and liquidation processes according to pre-set rules. It acts as the central hub for all interactions within the TSI ecosystem, ensuring transparency and efficiency.

  3. Client Web Application: This is the user interface through which borrowers, lenders, and liquidators interact with the TSI system. It provides functionalities for:

    • Placing borrow and lend orders.

    • Initiating asset transfers, leveraging the security of the MPC wallets for these actions.

    • Viewing order status, transaction history, and other relevant information.

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Borrower/Lender: These users participate in the core borrowing and lending activities on the platform. Their responsibilities include:

    • Depositing assets from external wallets into their TSI-managed wallets.

    • Initiating order placement for borrowing or lending.

    • Initiating transfer requests.

    • Sign transactions (as part of the MPC signing process).

  2. Liquidator: This specialized role manages the liquidation of collateral. Their responsibilities include:

    • Accepting the collateral pricing broadcasted by the TSI system.

    • Executing liquidations of collateral.

  3. Institutional Admin: This role manages institutional users and wallets within their organization. Their responsibilities include:

    • Inviting and managing users (borrowers, lenders, and liquidators) within their institution.

    • Managing the wallets associated with their institutional account.

    • Assigning wallets to specific users.

    • Initiating requests for whitelisting withdrawal wallets, which require co-signature from TSI Admin.

  4. TSI Admin: This role manages the core platform infrastructure and ensures its smooth operation. Their responsibilities include:

    • Managing core markets, digital assets, and network parameters.

    • Co-signing sensitive operations initiated by Institutional Admins, such as whitelisting withdrawal wallets, adding an extra layer of security.

  5. Fireblocks: As the security provider, Fireblocks plays a crucial role in safeguarding assets. Their responsibilities include:

    • Providing and managing the MPC wallet infrastructure.

    • Co-signing transactions with users, enforcing pre-set policies, and preventing unilateral actions.

Last updated