Liquidity Operations (L)
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Withdraw lpFT and lpXt to UT
According to , FT and XT can be combined into UT.
If ,
The liquidity impact of withdrawing XT from the pool is equivalent to the liquidity impact of following two operations.
The liquidity impact of withdrawing FT from the pool () is equivalent to the liquidity impact of following two operations ().
Sell FT to the pool and get XT
Combine FT and XT into UT and withdraw
The new price impact of withdrawing FT from the pool will be equivalent to the price impact of the two operations as well. In addition, the price of pool remains the same when UT is provided or withdrawn from the pool by definition. Therefore, the price impact of withdrawing FT from the pool will be equivalent to the price impact of Sell FT to the pool and get XT.
Withdraw lpXT to XT
Sell XT to the pool and get FT
Combine XT and FT into UT and withdraw
The new price impact of withdrawing FT from the pool will be equivalent to the price impact of the two operations as well. In addition, the price of pool remains the same when UT is provided or withdrawn from the pool by definition. Therefore, the price impact of withdrawing FT from the pool will be equivalent to the price impact of Sell XT to the pool and get FT.
According to ,
According to ,
According to and with elimination by substitution,