πŸͺ™Supported Tokens

Tokens that can be collateralized or lent / borrowed on the Term Structure

Stability and security are the top priority in Term Structure. Currently, Term Structure supports the most liquid and relatively stable tokens as collateral or lent/borrowed tokens. It is possible to include more underlying token types for collateral and lent/borrowed in the future via Term Structure Labs' research and community opinion.

Base Tokens

Base tokens supported by Term Structure for collateral and lent/borrowed are ETH, wBTC, USDT, USDC, and DAI.


All Base Tokens are qualified as collateral. wstETH and sDAI are also supported as collateral. Different collateral and lent/borrowed token pairs have different LTV Ratio requirements and Liquidation Thresholds.

Multi-collateral mode has not yet been supported.


All Base Tokens are qualified as lent/borrowed tokens for loans. There will be no multi-token borrowing for a single collateralized loan.

Token's info on Ethereum Mainnet


tToken is a fixed-income token minted by lenders after an auction on the Term Structure protocol's Fixed-Rate Borrowing/Lending page. tToken is supported for tToken Markets trading and Repo Markets borrowing by using tToken as collateral. Besides being traded on Term Structure protocol with zkTrue-up support, tTokens can be withdrawn to Ethereum mainnet for transfer, trading, or interacting with other protocols just like all other ERC20 tokens.

Currently, only Base Token and tToken are supported in the zkTrue-up system.

Last updated