πŸ›‘οΈSpearbit Competitions

Spearbit's Cantina Competitions

To achieve the highest level of security, we are partnering with Spearbit, a renowned security auditing firm specializing in blockchain protocols. Specifically, we are utilizing their innovative Cantina Competitions to conduct comprehensive security reviews of our smart contracts.

Cantina Competitions are crowdsourced security audits designed to be efficient, high-signal, and thorough. They bring together some of the best security researchers in the blockchain ecosystem to perform extensive code reviews. This approach ensures maximum code coverage and leverages diverse expertise to identify potential vulnerabilities that might be missed in traditional audits.

  • Efficient and Comprehensive: The competition format encourages rapid yet thorough examination of the codebase.

  • High-Signal Findings: By engaging top security talent, Cantina Competitions focus on uncovering critical issues with minimal noise.

  • Community Engagement: This model fosters a collaborative environment where multiple experts contribute to enhancing the security of the protocol.

We are organizing a two-week Cantina Competition dedicated to TermMax. During this period:

  • Extensive Code Review: Security researchers will rigorously analyze our smart contracts and underlying protocols.

  • Vulnerability Identification: The goal is to uncover any potential security flaws, from critical vulnerabilities to minor issues.

  • Feedback and Improvement: Findings from the competition will be used to strengthen our platform before mainnet deployment.

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